Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WOTD :::communication:::

You can't expect someone to automatically know that you have a problem with them if you never tell them so. You simply can't. It's possible, but you shouldn't expect it.

You get an attitude.
You roll your eyes at them.
You give them the evil eye.
You stomp around.
You yell.
You pout.
You cry.
You speak sharply to them.
You do that thing they hate.
You ignore their phone calls.
You don't respond to texts.
You pick fights.
You send them subtweets.
You avoid them.
You snap at them.
You give them silent treatment.

Whatever it is you need to do to send the "I'm pissed at you" signal.

Ok, great. They know you are upset. Congratulations.

But now you expect them to know why without you ever coming forward and saying it.

Definitely not going to happen.

I am not totally innocent of doing this. I must have done each of these at least once in my lifetime.

After you get someone to notice that something is wrong, what is your next plan of action? What do you plan on getting out of this? I'm sure some form of resolution is the plan, right?

Then you need to say something. Speak up!!!!!!!! Initiate some conversation about the issue at hand before it explodes, although some of us need the explosion to get the talk started. I know I can get like that...sometimes it takes an "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!" moment to finally open your mouth. But that's fine. As long as you say something.

People really underestimate the power of communication. Now stop.

Think about how often you've had a falling out with someone that kept building up over the silence between you. When you finally talk, it's like "wow...that was dumb...[shrug]" & you move on with life like it never happened.

All I'm saying is don't lose people in your life because you want to play the who-will-go-the-longest-without-talking-to-the-other game. Don't let your pride cost you a relationship--whether it be friend, family, or a significant other. Don't let the fear of being vulnerable paralyze your relationships. Don't expect people to read your mind. And just stop being plain stank!

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