Thursday, October 7, 2010

140+ "It's Just Twitter"

I really truly believe that the "It's just Twitter" thing will get people in trouble.

I see people tweet their phone number.
I see people tweet their address & current location.
I see people tweet that they are using an illegal controlled substance.
They then proceed to twitpic that substance.
I see people tweet about how they hate their job.
They then proceed to tell us exactly where they work.
They even think it's important to explicitly tweet their boss' name & how they despise him.
People post twitpics & twitvids that would make their mama disown them.

People. The news quotes Twitter. Important public figures have gotten in trouble for tweeting foolishness. Celebrities are driving their publicists crazy by tweeting things they need to keep to themselves. Employers can find you on twitter just like they can find you on facebook. People tweet things that have caused their court trial cases to take a turn for the worst. Tweets have been used as condemning evidence in court. The police have made arrests because of reckless tweeting.

If someone tweets something that gets you upset, you have valid reason to be upset. What do they mean "it's just Twitter"?! Do the opinions that you hold not count when said on twitter? Oh, I get it. If you tweet something, it is not the same as if you had said outloud. There is Twitter Immunity. Right? Wrong. What makes your words any different on Twitter than if they were heard or read through a different venue? If you tweet something disrespectful about me via Twitter, I am not allowed to be offended because it is only Twitter? Twitter is often used for serious advertisement and promotion purposes, so obviously (Antoine Dodson voice) the social networking site's power is being taken seriously by many. I have even seen Twitter serve as another Craigslist for people.

I understand people crying about losing followers & launching Unfollow Back Wars...yes, in that case? It is only Twitter and you need to get it together. But you can't just say whatever you want and when people get upset or you get into trouble have "it's just Twitter" be your defense. Half the time, I feel like it is people's way of trying to make someone feel small for catching feelings from something they read on their timeline.

I tweet foolishness sometimes. I also never plan on running for any kind of political office or being famous lol

But seriously, what is this Twitter Immunity that people think they have?

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